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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028

Connect | Include| Evolve

Executive Summary

杰纳西社区学院以前的战略计划, “构建我们的未来”帮助指导学院从2018年到2023年. 确保学院继续以专注和高效的方式运作, a comprehensive effort has been undertaken to update the College’s Strategic Plan through the 2027- 2028 academic year. The updated strategic plan will be implemented in support of the College’s vision 和 mission that will assist in the new plan named “Connect | Include | Evolve”.

这所学院在过去几年中取得了很大的成功, 但要满足当地的需求,还有许多挑战, 区域, 和 global community. The College’s updated strategic plan consists of Strategic Priorities supported by Core Objectives which will provide a road map to meeting key performance indicators. The Core Objectives emphasize Genesee’s commitment to helping students successfully complete their educational goals.

随着学生群体的日益多样化, 实现这些个人目标的挑战是巨大的, requiring a concerted effort.

Genesee Community College will continue to build on its successes with new collaborative partnerships, innovative academic programs, 以及促进学术卓越的包容性文化, continuous improvement, 和 professional development. The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan will serve as a living plan for the College to empower its students, 员工与合作伙伴“连接|包容|进化”.

Development Process

The 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan is based on input received from six separate college forums where approximately 150 participants (including faculty, 工作人员, students, high school administrators, Board of Trustee members, Foundation Board members, 和GLOW地区社区成员)聚集在一起. These groups generated ideas based on critical data they reviewed relating to current remediation rates, changing GLOW region demographics, completion rates, funding rates, 和 enrollment trends.

The results of the open forums were categorized 和 presented to a Leadership Team consisting of ten (10) individuals representing the above constituents. In addition, the Leadership Team referenced existing College Master Plans to integrate into the planning process. 基于在这些公开论坛上提出的一千多个想法, the Leadership Team was charged with developing a core set of Strategic Priorities supported by Core Objectives which together form the 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan. The President 和 his Cabinet were also instrumental in providing regular oversight 和 input as the Strategic Plan was being developed. Over the next five years, this Strategic Plan will be used as a living document to assist in the development 和 alignment of annual plans of achievement for each division within the College, 从而使我们更接近实现学院的使命.

Development & Implementation Timeline

September – October 2022: 领导团队/内阁审查了当前的优先事项.

November 2022 – January 2023: 学院范围内的论坛与社区会议一起举行. 网页及网上意见表格将于二零二三年四月前向公众开放.

December 2022 – March 2023: Steering Committee revised mission 和 vision statements; developed core values;  developed 和 finalized core objectives for each Strategic Priority. 内阁审查计划并全程提供意见.

March 2023 – April 2023: 网页上线,大学社区被要求进行审查并提供反馈.

April 2023: 战略规划联合主席向校董会提交计划.

May 2023: 董事会批准了该计划并向所有利益相关者发布.

Leadership Team

Ms. Patricia Chaya(联席主席),学生事务主任

Ms. 帕蒂·弗内斯,行动部助理主任

Mr. Thomas Kinsey, Reporting Analyst

Dr. 莉娜·拉玛蒂娜,商业项目总监

Mr. 约翰·马洛尼,市场传播部副主任

Ms. Carol Marriott,负责机构研究和规划的副总裁

Ms. Michelle Peck, Secretary of Athletics

Mr. Timothy Tomczak(联席主席),人类传播与行为学院院长

Ms. 吉娜·韦弗(联合领导),财务和运营副总裁

Dr. Shelitha Williams (Co-Leader), 负责学生和招生服务的副总裁/首席多元化官

Board of Trustees 2022-2023

Mr. Phillip DiMartino

Ms. Donna Ferry

Mr. David Hagelberger

Mr. Jacob Kasmarek, 学生 Trustee

Ms. Diana Kastenbaum

Ms. Maureen Marshall

Ms. Laurie Miller

Ms. Sarah Noble-Moag

Ms. Mary Alice Panek

Ms. Jacalyn Whiting, 椅子

President 和 Cabinet Members 2022-2023

Dr. 詹姆斯米. Sunser, President

Ms. Bethany Aradine,校长行政助理兼董事会秘书

Mr. Justin Johnston, Vice President for Development 和 External Affairs, Foundation Executive Director

Dr. 克雷格·兰姆,教务长/学术事务副校长

Mr. Nikolas Varrone,副总裁/首席信息官

Ms. 吉娜·韦弗,财务和运营副总裁

Dr. Shelitha Williams, Vice President for 学生 和 Enrollment Services/Chief Diversity Officer



As an inclusive, learner-centered community college, 我们培育卓越的教学和教育机会
支持公平的智力和社会发展, a commitment to diversity, economic advancement, 和

Stucent looking through an apparatus.


GCC will be the college of choice, known for its highly innovative, flexible, 个性化的教育体验,
life-long learning opportunities, 以及让我们社区的人们在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长的能力.

In order to offer the highest quality academic experience 和 maintain a welcoming environment to all students 和 工作人员, GCC holds the following core values that we express in both the classroom 和 our daily lives:

学生 walking through building


We commit to effective collaboration 和 open communication; we are united by our shared purpose 和 we value our connections with the broader community in which we serve.



We 拥抱 the uniqueness of all individuals 和 groups for their ability to enrich every aspect of our teaching 和 learning environment.



We adhere to high ethical st和ards 和 practices; we value honesty, fairness, 和 transparency in all endeavors.

Professor teaching


We foster a creative, innovative, 和协作的环境,促进学术成就和终身学习.



We invest in student access, 股本, 和 success to support individual growth, development, 和 advancement; we value each community member’s distinctive potential 和 capacity to contribute.



We strive for civility, 礼貌, 和 thoughtfulness, 同时认识和欣赏不同的观点.



We pledge to achieve long-term success 和 viability through environmental protection, stable
economic performance, 增强社会凝聚力,提高大学十大靠谱赌博平台质量.

Strategic Priorities & Core Objectives

1. 学生 Support & 成功

Commit to the success of every student; provide programs 和 services designed to assist our diverse student body in achieving individual educational goals.

  • Core Objective 1.1: 支持学生在Genesee大学生涯的各个阶段和水平的进步率.
  • Core Objective 1.2: Improve successful outcomes (completion, transfer, 和/or employment) for all of our students.
  • Core Objective 1.3: 创造一个满足后传统学生需求的教育环境.

2. 教学 & 学习

Provide dynamic educational experiences that afford all members of the college community flexible opportunities to meet their career, educational, 和 personal enrichment goals.

  • Core Objective 2.1: Further develop an inclusive teaching 和 learning- centered environment that fosters student success 和 attainment of Institutional 学习 Outcomes.
  • Core Objective 2.2: Continue to improve pedagogical 和 和ragogical excellence through faculty 和 工作人员 development.
  • Core Objective 2.3: 利用持续的评估结果来确保课程和项目的动态适应.
  • Core Objective 2.4: 增加学生的经验,将学习应用到课堂环境之外, such as internships, community service, 和 cooperative learning.
  • Core Objective 2.5: Exp和 innovative learning modalities that continue to reduce time 和 place restrictions 和 enrich the learning experience.

3. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & 健康

培育一个尊重和重视全球公民和社会正义的社区. Reinforce our commitment to diversity, 股本, inclusion, 和 wellness throughout all endeavors.

  • Core Objective 3.1: 扩大目前增加招聘的努力, retention, employment, 以及大学社区中弱势群体的成功.
  • Core Objective 3.2: 通过扩大相互理解的机会,营造一种归属感的环境, 拥抱, 庆祝我们的个体差异.
  • Core Objective 3.3: 评估和改进支持校园社区健康的服务.

4. Fiscal, Operational & Infrastructure Sustainability

Maintain efficient, effective operations; identify 和 pursue additional sources of revenue 和 financial support; improve infrastructure; 和 foster a safe environment.

  • Core Objective 4.1: 寻找机会增加收入来源, including grants, strategic enrollment management, 和 community partnerships, 同时保持有竞争力的学费.
  • Core Objective 4.2: 做好资源的管理者,对利益相关者负责.
  • Core Objective 4.3: Develop 和 implement initiatives in support of economically 和 environmentally sustainable goals.
  • Core Objective 4.4: Ensure alignment 和 execution of all institutional master plans (including but not limited to facilities, technology, enrollment, 学术和多样性)与学院的战略计划.

5. 校园 & Community Engagement

Value our collegial, open, 和 transparent environment that inspires creativity 和 innovation. 与社区合作伙伴建立有意义的关系,提升GCC的形象.

  • Core Objective 5.1: 不断完善沟通渠道,提高制度透明度, collaboration, 和 effectiveness.
  • Core Objective 5.2: Provide 和 support faculty 和 工作人员 with opportunities to innovate within the college community 和 the GLOW region.
  • Core Objective 5.3: 加强与主要就业界别的合作,丰富本地劳动力. 制定计划,促进整个社区所需的不断发展的就业技能.
  • Core Objective 5.4: Strengthen synergies with community partners 和 engage in legislative advocacy to support our mission 和 values.
  • Core Objective 5.5: 创造和促进学生与更广泛的社区联系的途径(e).g., local businesses, external events).