Strategic Planning 2023 – 2028
Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028
Connect | Include| Evolve
Executive Summary
杰纳西社区学院以前的战略计划, “构建我们的未来”帮助指导学院从2018年到2023年. 确保学院继续以专注和高效的方式运作, a comprehensive effort has been undertaken to update the College’s Strategic Plan through the 2027- 2028 academic year. The updated strategic plan will be implemented in support of the College’s vision 和 mission that will assist in the new plan named “Connect | Include | Evolve”.
这所学院在过去几年中取得了很大的成功, 但要满足当地的需求,还有许多挑战, 区域, 和 global community. The College’s updated strategic plan consists of Strategic Priorities supported by Core Objectives which will provide a road map to meeting key performance indicators. The Core Objectives emphasize Genesee’s commitment to helping students successfully complete their educational goals.
随着学生群体的日益多样化, 实现这些个人目标的挑战是巨大的, requiring a concerted effort.
Genesee Community College will continue to build on its successes with new collaborative partnerships, innovative academic programs, 以及促进学术卓越的包容性文化, continuous improvement, 和 professional development. The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan will serve as a living plan for the College to empower its students, 员工与合作伙伴“连接|包容|进化”.
As an inclusive, learner-centered community college, 我们培育卓越的教学和教育机会
支持公平的智力和社会发展, a commitment to diversity, economic advancement, 和
GCC will be the college of choice, known for its highly innovative, flexible, 个性化的教育体验,
life-long learning opportunities, 以及让我们社区的人们在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长的能力.
In order to offer the highest quality academic experience 和 maintain a welcoming environment to all students 和 工作人员, GCC holds the following core values that we express in both the classroom 和 our daily lives:
We commit to effective collaboration 和 open communication; we are united by our shared purpose 和 we value our connections with the broader community in which we serve.
We 拥抱 the uniqueness of all individuals 和 groups for their ability to enrich every aspect of our teaching 和 learning environment.
We adhere to high ethical st和ards 和 practices; we value honesty, fairness, 和 transparency in all endeavors.
We foster a creative, innovative, 和协作的环境,促进学术成就和终身学习.
We invest in student access, 股本, 和 success to support individual growth, development, 和 advancement; we value each community member’s distinctive potential 和 capacity to contribute.
We strive for civility, 礼貌, 和 thoughtfulness, 同时认识和欣赏不同的观点.
We pledge to achieve long-term success 和 viability through environmental protection, stable
economic performance, 增强社会凝聚力,提高大学十大靠谱赌博平台质量.